Can Cats Eat Cinnamon? A Guide for Curious Cat Owners

Cats are known to be curious creatures, often getting themselves into situations that leave their owners bewildered. One common question among cat owners is, “Can cats eat cinnamon?” This blog aims to answer that question by exploring the safety and effects of cinnamon on our feline friends.Can Cats Eat Cinnamon A Guide for Curious Cat Owners

We’ll also cover related topics like other cinnamon-flavoured foods, alternatives for cat treats, and what to do if your cat accidentally consumes cinnamon. By the end of this article, you’ll understand how safe cinnamon is for cats and what steps you should take to keep your furry friend healthy.

Can Cats Eat Cinnamon?

Many cat owners wonder if it’s safe for their cats to nibble on cinnamon. The short answer is that cinnamon is generally not harmful in small amounts but can pose risks if consumed in larger quantities. While cinnamon does have some health benefits for humans, it doesn’t offer the same advantages for cats. Ingesting too much cinnamon can lead to various health issues.

Cats lack the enzymes needed to break down certain compounds found in cinnamon. This can result in digestive problems, liver damage, or even more severe health complications. Therefore, monitoring your cat’s exposure to cinnamon is crucial to avoid unnecessary risks.

In summary, while a tiny lick of cinnamon might not harm your cat, keeping cinnamon-flavoured foods out of their reach is best. The potential risks far outweigh any possible benefits.

Other Cinnamon-Related Foods

Aside from the classic cinnamon roll, there are many delightful cinnamon-infused foods to enjoy. Cinnamon doughnuts are a popular treat, often dusted with cinnamon and sugar. There’s the comforting cinnamon apple pie, where cinnamon enhances the sweetness of the apples.

Cinnamon oatmeal makes for a warm, hearty breakfast option. You can also find cinnamon-flavoured teas and coffees. Cinnamon sugar toast is a simple yet delicious snack. For a unique twist, try cinnamon-roasted sweet potatoes.

The savoury notes of cinnamon also complement savoury dishes like Moroccan tagines. Finally, cinnamon swirl bread is perfect for an indulgent breakfast or a lovely afternoon snack. Each of these foods highlights the versatile and beloved spice in unique ways.

Can Cats Eat Cinnamon Rolls?

Cinnamon rolls are a popular treat for humans but unsuitable for cats. These rolls contain not only cinnamon but also sugar, butter, and other ingredients that can be harmful to cats. Ingesting a cinnamon roll can lead to digestive upset and, in severe cases, require veterinary attention. Cats should not eat cinnamon rolls. While cinnamon in small amounts is not typically toxic to cats, cinnamon rolls contain harmful ingredients.Can Cats Eat Cinnamon Rolls

These include sugar, butter, and sometimes Nutmeg, which can cause digestive issues. The high fat content can lead to obesity and pancreatitis, while sugar and artificial sweeteners can lead to diabetes and other health complications.

Additionally, cinnamon rolls may include raisins or chocolate, which are toxic to cats. Dough can also be risky, as it can expand in a cat’s stomach and cause bloating or more severe gastrointestinal issues. Always opt for cat-safe treats and avoid sharing your human snacks with your feline friends to keep them healthy and safe.

Can Cats Eat Cinnamon Toast Crunch?

Similarly, cinnamon toast crunch cereal is another food that cats should avoid. This cereal contains high sugar levels and other additives unsuitable for feline consumption. Cats have different dietary needs than humans, and sugary cereals can lead to obesity and other health issues. Cats should not eat Cinnamon Toast Crunch. While this cereal may seem harmless, it contains unsuitable ingredients for feline consumption. High sugar content can lead to obesity, diabetes, and dental issues.

Additionally, the added cinnamon, artificial flavours, and preservatives can cause digestive upset and potential toxicity in more significant amounts. Cats are obligate carnivores, meaning their diet should primarily consist of meat and specific nutrients not found in human foods like cereals. Offering inappropriate treats can disrupt their nutritional balance and lead to serious health issues. Always stick to cat-specific treats and foods approved by your veterinarian to ensure your cat remains healthy and happy.

Can Cats Eat Nutmeg?

Nutmeg is another spice often found alongside cinnamon in various recipes. However, Nutmeg is toxic to cats and should be avoided. Even a tiny amount of Nutmeg can cause hallucinations, increased heart rate, and other severe symptoms in cats. Cats should not eat Nutmeg. Nutmeg contains a compound called myristicin, which is toxic to cats.

Even small amounts can cause symptoms like vomiting, diarrhoea, increased heart rate, disorientation, and abdominal pain. In severe cases, nutmeg ingestion can lead to more serious neurological issues such as seizures and hallucinations. It’s crucial to keep Nutmeg and any foods containing it, such as baked goods, out of reach from your feline friend.

If you suspect your cat has ingested Nutmeg, contact your veterinarian immediately for guidance. To keep your cat safe and healthy, always avoid sharing human foods that contain spices or ingredients that could be harmful and stick to cat-friendly treats and foods.

What to Do If Your Cat Consumes Cinnamon

If your cat accidentally ingests cinnamon or a cinnamon-flavoured product, don’t panic. Here are some steps to follow:

Monitor Your Cat: Monitor your cat for signs of distress, such as vomiting, diarrhoea, or lethargy. Mild symptoms might resolve independently, but it’s essential to stay vigilant.

Consult Your Veterinarian: If you notice any severe symptoms or if your cat has consumed too much cinnamon, contact your veterinarian immediately. They can provide specific advice and treatment options.

Provide Water: Ensure your cat has access to plenty of fresh water. This can help dilute any ingested cinnamon and minimize its effects.

These steps can help mitigate potential harm and ensure your cat’s well-being.

Alternatives for Cat Treats

Finding alternatives to cat treats can ensure your feline friend remains entertained and healthy. One excellent option is fresh or cooked meat, such as chicken, turkey, or fish, which can provide essential nutrients and proteins. Small portions of plain, unsweetened yoghurt can be a delightful and probiotic-rich indulgence.Alternatives for Cat Treats

Catnip and cat grass are natural and enjoyable. Even certain fruits and vegetables like blueberries, carrots, and spinach (in moderation) can be beneficial. Always remember to avoid toxic foods like onions, garlic, and chocolate.

Incorporating interactive playtime with toys can also act as a rewarding experience. Consulting your veterinarian before introducing new treats or foods is crucial to ensure your cat’s safety and well-being.

Instead of offering your cat cinnamon-flavoured treats, consider these cat-safe alternatives:

Catnip: Catnip is a favourite among many cats and provides a safe and enjoyable treat. It can stimulate your cat’s senses and encourage playful behaviour.

Cat Grass: Cat grass is another excellent alternative that offers nutritional benefits. It can aid digestion and provides a safe way for your cat to explore new textures and flavours.

Commercial Cat Treats: There are numerous commercially available cat treats that are specifically formulated to meet your cat’s dietary needs. Look for treats with natural ingredients and avoid those with artificial additives.

These alternatives can provide your cat with enjoyable and safe treats while keeping them away from potentially harmful substances like cinnamon.

Can Cats Smell Cinnamon?

Cats have a highly developed sense of smell, which allows them to detect scents that humans might not even notice. While some cats might be indifferent to the scent of cinnamon, others might find it intriguing or even off-putting.

Cats rely heavily on their sense of smell to explore their environment. Introducing a new scent like cinnamon can pique their curiosity. However, ensuring they don’t ingest cinnamon while investigating its smell is essential.

If you notice your cat showing interest in the smell of cinnamon, it’s best to redirect their attention to a safer alternative, such as catnip or a favourite toy.


Cinnamon might be a delightful spice for humans but unsuitable for cats. While a small amount might not cause immediate harm, the potential risks make it best to keep cinnamon and cinnamon-flavoured foods away from your feline friends. Always prioritize your cat’s health and safety by offering them cat-safe treats and monitoring their curiosity about new scents.

If you have any experiences or questions about cats and cinnamon, feel free to share them in the comments. Remember to subscribe to our blog for more pet care tips and advice from our team of experts.


What happens if my cat eats cinnamon?

If your cat overeats cinnamon, it might harm their liver and kidneys and cause vomiting and diarrhoea. As usual, speak with your veterinarian before adding new foods to your pet’s diet!

Do cats like cinnamon?

Some cats intentionally shun the smells of ginger, cinnamon, and Nutmeg, while others like them. Only to keep you alert! It’s interesting to note that certain spices positively affect more than just little kitties. Many large cats enjoy odours that are similar to those of domestic cats.

Can cats eat applesauce with cinnamon?

Applesauce could be a better food for cats. Cats may safely consume tiny amounts of cooked apple flesh, but applesauce usually has other components like sugar, cinnamon, and other spices not recommended for cats.

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